Repurpose Vintage Doily Patterns

New Vintage Lace: Knits Inspired By The Past

New Vintage Lace: Knits Inspired By The Past

I’m really enjoying this book by Andrea Jurgrau. The lace shawl pattern in this book are all repurposed vintage doily designs. The author has taken old doily patterns and rewritten them into shawls and other accessories. Click on this link to Ravelry to see all of the patterns in the book. Quite delightful.

Chapter 5: Doily Dissection–A Little Geometry and a Lot of Fun explains how to take a vintage doily knitting pattern and change it into a shawl pattern. Easy to follow, great instructions. Really quite clever.  I’ve been doing flitting through the websites looking for free doily patterns, this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg, it’s just an ice cube of what can be found:

Antique Pattern Library – this site has been mentioned before and is listed in the book

Vintage Purls

Knitting Pattern Central

Free Knitting Patterns for Doilies and Tablecloths

And, not to sounds as if I’m a walking ad today, I signed up for Amazon Kindle Unlimited’s free month. I found this book and many other knitting books which I’ve been busily reading and perusing for the trial period. Tina, there are also Zentangle books. Of course, I’ve been madly reading the cozy mystery series by G. A. McKevett – starting with Just Desserts.



4 thoughts on “Repurpose Vintage Doily Patterns

    • Q – Thank you! I know! Showed them to Curls when she visited today. She reminded me that we have doily patterns from our great-aunts and from her husband’s grandma. Now we are anxious to develop a hat pattern.


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