Magnetic Personalities

~ Saw this great idea on Pinterest from Tonya’s Sewing Room! Making magnets using fabric. I decided I wanted to make my magnets using photographs. This is such an inexpensive craft, but absolutely marvelous when finished. The total cost per magnet is about 5 cents! You can use fabric or paper instead of photographs. How about alphabet magnets spelling out your child’s or grandchild’s name?


  • scissors
  • photograph
  • a bag of small accent glass gems (got mine at the Dollar Store)
  • pencil
  • mod podge
  • paint brush
  • super glue – or any other type of glue
  • magnets

Step 1: Find the perfect picture. Test by placing an accent glass gem on the face to make sure it fits.

If it fits, scan the picture and print at 100% so the size remains the same.

Step 2: Using the glass gems, use a pencil to outline each face. I have 5 faces to outline.

Since the gems are differing sizes, I made sure I outlined by age, keeping the gems in order from left to right.

Step 3: Cut the pictures out just inside of the tracing line. Place the gems on top to make sure they fit.

Step 4: Apply Mod Podge to the gem and place on appropriate picture. Press down with finger or folding tool to remove all of the air pockets.

Put another coat of Mod Podge on the back of the picture. It will dry clear. After it drys, add one more coat of Mod Podge so there are a total of three layers.

Step 5: After the Mod Podge is totally dry, I left over night, use super glue (or any other glue) to attach the magnet.


Make sure you keep the magnets far apart while gluing and drying. 😎 Allow at least 24 hours to dry thoroughly! Do a finishing trim.

Now they are all ready to use. Perfect on the refrigerator to hold up a drawing by the person in the photograph. Or, on the magnetic white board in the craft room. What fun!