Daffodils Are Here


My March, Sock-It-To-Me 2015, Ravelry group, Daffodil socks are done! The birthstone for March is aquamarine and it’s flower the daffodil. I had originally planned on knitting a pair of socks evoking the wonders of water, using a beautiful skein of yarn with various shades of aquamarine with just a hint of yellow, which I ordered from an Etsy vendor. However, the Etsy time for my review came in before the skein was even sent. I had to email the person after 5 days to see when it would be sent. Sigh…… I’ve never had this problem before. So on to Plan B – I knit the Worsted Anklet pattern by JoAnne Turcotte for Kraemer Yarns, adding a lace pattern to the top. The original, Elisabeth Lavold wool was putty color, so, after the socks were done, I overdyed the socks into this pretty daffodil color. I’ve never overdyed after a project was finished before so my fingers were crossed. The pattern looks as if those are closed daffodil bud.

Undyed Daffodil Sock showing pattern

Undyed Daffodil Sock showing pattern

The socks were knit using a magic loop. For me, circular knitting is either done on two needles or using the magic loop. With this pattern, there were a total of 40 stitches, 20 on each part. The lace pattern for the instep was based on a 16 st pattern, an 8 stitch repeat. I knit two stitches before beginning the pattern and two stitches at the end of the pattern to give the 20 stitches required. I know I’ve blogged about using graph-lined index cards to make my knitting easier. This is the card I used while knitting the lace pattern on Daffodil. For my foot length (Ladie’s size 8), I repeated the lace pattern 3 times.

Lace Pattern for Daffodil

Lace Pattern for Daffodil

I add the two + on either end of the pattern as a visual reminder to me that I had to knit the first two and last two stitches of the row. Knit the pattern on the odd rows and knit across the even rows.  I’m not sure when I changed from having to read a row of printed lace pattern to being able to read a chart. Hasn’t been that long.


Bits and Pieces for Kitty Pi

Kitty Pi

Kitty Pi

During a long, circuitous search for half-Pi shawls, I happened upon this free Kitty Pi  pattern at Wendy Knits. Images of all of my spinning bits and pieces popped into my head. Remember the “fiber sandwich” from spinning class? The first yarn into the Pi. All the horrid first spinning tries, slubs, over-twists, super thin spots – into the Pi. Almost every yucky bit of stuff I spun when first learning is now in the Pi. The final size is 14″ inches diameter by 4″ inches in height. The only non-hand spun yarn is the bit at the top, I used a bit of left-over fancy stuff there. As it was in the washer felting, I thought, “Geeze, I could have made some yarn bowls with it too.”

Trio of Felted Pentafold Moebius Bowls by Liat Gat

Trio of Felted Pentafold Moebius Bowls by Liat Gat

The Trio of Felted Pentafold Moebius Bowls has been in my Ravelry Library for over a year. I still have some yuck yarn left. It’s all white tones so I will have to dye it. Keep posted.

What other projects have you spinners made with your Ugly Duckling bits of pieces from your first spinning experiences?

Ravelry: Indie Design Gift-A-Long

q8~Thanks to Blue Peninsula, I’ve discovered there is a first time ever Ravelry Indie Design Gift-A-Long. From November 1 to December 31 you’ll be able to  win prizes and get discounts on patterns by dozens of indie designers on Ravelry. “Indie designers have donated lots and lots of beautiful yarn, patterns, gift certificates, and other goodies.” Head over here to join into the fun and have any questions answered. Sorry, no more time to write, have to head over and browse.



WIP – So Simple Silk Garden


– I am enjoying making a pair of socks a month.


From the Sock It To Me 2013 group, at ravelry.com,  I chose the “So Simple Silk Garden” sock pattern, since I like to do cables. The other sock is a men’s sock, “Simple Skyp Sock.” The yarn I am using, from my stash, is from Premier Yarns, Serenity Sock Weight, color Chili.  I love the bucket bag Q made me. I works really great for holding my knitting.

Sorry about posting so late, I have been working everyday this week. I keep trying to remember in the morning to post. Looking forward to posting my finished project on Friday. 🙂

Finished Projects – Socks of Doom

curls2  – I finished February sock from the group “Sock It to Me 2013”  at ravelry.com.


This is the International Sock of Doom pattern. Knitting with the  Sirdar “Crofter DK” yarn, that I had left over from the circular vest, was easy to knit with. When I started the second sock, I made sure that I started in the same spot. As you can see the socks match.  🙂

WIP Wednesday: Socks Of Doom

q~WIP Wednesday! Curls and I both have the same WIP: International Socks Of Doom. We joined a Raverly group Sock It To Me 2013 KAL, the sock is this month’s pattern. The socks are knit on US 5 needles and a DK weight yarn. I’m using GGH yarn since I really don’t have many DK weight yarns in my stash, I’ve tended to purchase fancy yarns, alpacas, and worsted weight. My knitting tip can barely be seen in the picture. I just noticed it isn’t really showing, just a pixels worth. When knitting-in-the-round, I use either two double needles or the magic loop. I HATE using one marker to show the starting side, having to continually slip the marker (wa-wa), so I use a knitting pin on the beginning side. You might also notice that Curls loves to use double-pointed needles and I don’t. I also like to use my tablet whenever possible, meaning I’m not taking the project on the road.

There was a debate in the group as to whether or not large gauge knit socks wear out faster. It was mentioned a smaller gauge is usually used so that the stitches are more comfortable for the bottom of the foot. My possum socks were knit on US 6 and I definitely feel the purls, but I also NEVER go bare footed so have tender tootsies. Any input?

Q's Sock of Doom

Q’s Sock of Doom

curls~Well  it is February and time for a for a new sock from the group “Sock It to Me 2013”  at ravelry.com. There are two patterns to choose from. I chose the International Sock of Doom. I hope to try the Worsted Valentine Heart Sock next. I am using the Sirdar “Crofter DK” yarn left over from the circular vest I made on the knitting machine and featured in our June 10, 2012 blog. I enjoy using the yarn holders Q knitted for me. See our post April 7, 2012 “Cover that Cake With Colorful Berries.” Looking forward to posting the finished pair. 😎

Curl's Sock Of Doom

Curl’s Sock Of Doom

Don’t forget to visit Ginny’s Yarn Along and Tami’s Amis WIP Wednesday for other great projects now on the needles.

Stash Buster

curls2 – Well another year is here and Q and I have declared 2013 De-stash Year!yarnstash

As you can see I have more than my fair share of yarn. This is about 90% of my stash.  So this year I am going to make a major dent in it. Q and I have joined Ravelry’s “Sock it to Me 2013” and Stash Control 2013. The plan is to knit a pair of socks a month. Also, I am going to select knitting projects from my large collection of knitting books and patterns. Today I chose two patterns: 1. a sweater to knit and 2. a new knitting technique to try out on a scarf. Join in the fun. This is only the beginning. 🙂

And So It Begins

q~Today is the first day since October that Barb and I were able to get together for the entire day. As a postal worker, Curls is totally bombed with work starting in the late fall through the Christmas rush. Today was spent brain-storming ideas for our momentous 2013 De-stash Year. After we’ve firmed up a few things that we are absolutely going to do we’ll post our resolution. Both of us have joined these groups on Ravelry to help with de-stash: 1. Sock It To Me 2013 and. 2. Stash Control 2013. Right now we figured the best way to de-stash yarn is to actually inventory what each of us has. A dent was made by entering a teeny tiny bit of our stashes on Ravelry. My handle is Slgennut and Curl’s is Babs52knitting.  I also have the Vogue Knitting app on my iPhone in which I’ve entered stash. The worst part is getting the pictures. I really wish either Ravelry or Vogue had pictures to click on in order to add. If wishes were horses………

Both of us agree that certain yarns and fabrics were purchased with specific projects in mind, however, too much was total impulse buying because the item called our names. I mean really, raise your hand if you’ve walked into a yarn store and hear your name being called by some gorgeous yarn that you couldn’t help but fondle. Or, the colors and texture were so heavenly that it was impossible to pass up. Or all of the above PLUS it was on sale. Hello my pretty, I must take you home.

The nice thing about the Ravelry Stash online is you can make notes as you enter the yarn info. I’ll be marking the yarns for which there is a specific purpose. Since I haven’t been spinning for a year, I’m not going to include fibers in my de-stash. I have a bit, but most of it is different types of wool I’d like to try and spin.

Time for 2012 is running short, 2013 is almost upon us and then the de-stash begins!

Not Another WIP!

~Hey fellow bloggers, I’m retired! You have to quite posting such wonderful “things” which I, in turn, lust after! (Jump down a few lines Alan) And… then have to buy! A limited income only goes so far you know! So which one of you had a link to Grumperina? ‘Fess up! I saw the Volna scarf and loved it. Now, I did use my will power for at least a week before I bought it.

Before purchasing, I decided to browse the Volna projects on Ravelry, I noticed that someone had used Crazy Zauberball by Schoppel using US 6. That sealed it. The pattern was MINE! I just happened to have Crazy Zauberball in my stash. I bought it because I LOVE the colors, not because I had a project in mind.

If you knit this project, it is easier if you use pointed, lace tip needles. There is a lot of k2tog and picking up yarns. I only had a “fat” tip pair of US 6 and it does slow me down. Also, notice my two other knitting tips. 1. I tied the tail around a plastic bread tab. I always leave the tail so, especially in garter stitch, I know which side in the Right Side (RS). The hanging tail gets in the way. How many of you have accidentally started knitting using the tail? Sigh….. 2. The wave pattern repeats 5 times. Wanting a quick counter, I put 5 beads onto a safety pin. Reminds me of the abacus! Quick and easy.

As with any pattern, there are two parts: the instructions and the row patterns.  The Volna has three pattern parts: Wave A, Wave B and Main. Using notecards, I wrote each pattern on it’s own card. On the back of the card, I wrote the written instructions for that part, see green card. Love these cards!  So, with the fan on me I’ve been knitting yet another new project!


Fuzzy’s (aka mom) comment reminded me that not everyone is a member of Ravelry. So here is the picture of Volna from Ravelry:

Hot Right Now!

~Had a yen to look at knitting patterns last night, so I went to Ravelry. Oh the patterns and yarns to see! I’m usually at the site looking for a particular pattern, haven’t done much surfing there. Clicking the Patterns tab I noticed a Hot Right Now column. I decided to look at which patterns are in the top 20. There are 6 patterns which had over 10,000 hits. These are the 6 most visited in order of hits. I have included the price at the end of each pattern line; three are free and three charge money.

 Gap-tastic Cowl by Jen Geigley – 22537 hits – Free

 Honey Cowl by Madelinetosh – 20869 hits – Free

 Color Affection by Veera Valimaki – 18553 hits – $$

 Featherweight Cardigan by Hannah Fettig – 17095 hits – $$

 Wingspan by maylin Tri’Coterie Designs – 15473 hits – Free

 Hitchhiker by Martina Behm – 12761 hits – $$

The only pattern I don’t have is Featherweight Cardigan. I don’t really wear lightweight sweaters. I usually wear vests since I get too hot. Fabulous! These are the most poplar right now by far! Another one has 6000+ hits, but most of the other top 20 are down in the hundreds of hits. Still, it must be exciting to make the Top 20!