Aliens Have Invaded

Alien Boy PJs

Alien Boy PJs

Every family needs a “crazy” kid, a person who has such a fabulous sense of humor that they make everyone around them happy. Our family is blessed that we have three “crazy” kids – my nephew Russ, my son Michael, and my grandson Mase. The family jokes that Mase is the clone of his Uncle Mike. When I saw this flannel at Joann’s it was as if Mase said, “Grandma I have to have PJs out of that!” Of course there was only one yard left of the alien flannel, but I was lucky enough to find the crazy tiger print in the same wild colors. Grandson is a total sweat dog, so a t-shirt works really well as a pajama top, again Joann’s had the spot-on color. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Steam-A-Seam! Cut out three individual aliens and attached to the shirt. Of course crazy boy wants some on the back too. Will do that today!

I know I promised another new sewing find today, but we were lucky enough to have four of the five grandkids overnight. I finished the PJs and had to share. Little Man, the baby, was sick so we missed out on his snuggles.

QHave a wonderfully crafty 2015!

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